For this special project, we wanted to come up with some artwork that would really tie in with the space, as well as with the concept of fashion itself, by making some lettering out of fabrics. It was indeed the perfect excuse to produce a very dimensional piece which would translate into an immersive experience, aiming to engage the audience in a creative moment of their own. The idea is to get people interacting with the installation by occupying the space, mixing & matching colours and patterns, playing with letters and words, enjoying the artwork in a participative way and making it evolve through various combinaisons. 

The inspiration behind the patterns set was to create an eclectic looking visual spectrum, yet paradoxically structured. We came up with some pop looking eye candy letters on a minimalist structure, having hyper colourful and organic textures that we photographed and digitally printed, meeting with very classic graphic monochrome patterns, adding soft gradients to bring a kind of neutral balance in the mix.

- Type Directors Club, Environment Design x Excellence