We created the cover of this retelling of Peter Pan with a dark twist, from Wendy's perspective, as teens in Chicago. Peter and the lost boys are rebellious youth, and Wendy goes for a night of excitement out in the city with them, discovering the murderous past of the bad boy hero.
Blending thriller, femininity & anarchy, we came up with the idea of a rose molotov. Produced photographically, we let the delicate flaming petals come to life in front of the camera, capturing the organic beauty & drama of the fire enveloping the bloom. The title was approached digitally, as a nudge to 90's horror script typography, with a luminous edge - printed with some spot UV & embossing to make it pop.
Blending thriller, femininity & anarchy, we came up with the idea of a rose molotov. Produced photographically, we let the delicate flaming petals come to life in front of the camera, capturing the organic beauty & drama of the fire enveloping the bloom. The title was approached digitally, as a nudge to 90's horror script typography, with a luminous edge - printed with some spot UV & embossing to make it pop.