As Jiggly and Kinky, as it is Fluffy and Gooey, Describing Words is a personal body of work exploring typography through texture that makes you want to touch it, lick it, pop it, cuddle it and poke it. series of different unique characters featuring  a highly organic look, each appearing as tactile as the next, making you really feel its associated word.

Through the classic ABC format, Describing Words is an ongoing project meant as a creative exercise combining digital arts to crafts, merging art and design; a personal tribute to the natural beauty of materials, elements and type.

E for Explosive: Using hollow lettering props filled with explosives, we hit the big red button to capture the moment - that tiny fraction of a second when the incredibly lush pyrotechnic pow comes to life in a flash, with all of its fiery sparkles, pieces bursting in the air and smokey elements.

Shot with Jane Stockdale